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TTSModelSettings dataclass

Settings for a TTS model.

Source code in src/agents/voice/
class TTSModelSettings:
    """Settings for a TTS model."""

    voice: (
        Literal["alloy", "ash", "coral", "echo", "fable", "onyx", "nova", "sage", "shimmer"] | None
    ) = None
    The voice to use for the TTS model. If not provided, the default voice for the respective model
    will be used.

    buffer_size: int = 120
    """The minimal size of the chunks of audio data that are being streamed out."""

    dtype: npt.DTypeLike = np.int16
    """The data type for the audio data to be returned in."""

    transform_data: (
        Callable[[npt.NDArray[np.int16 | np.float32]], npt.NDArray[np.int16 | np.float32]] | None
    ) = None
    A function to transform the data from the TTS model. This is useful if you want the resulting
    audio stream to have the data in a specific shape already.

    instructions: str = (
        "You will receive partial sentences. Do not complete the sentence just read out the text."
    The instructions to use for the TTS model. This is useful if you want to control the tone of the
    audio output.

    text_splitter: Callable[[str], tuple[str, str]] = get_sentence_based_splitter()
    A function to split the text into chunks. This is useful if you want to split the text into
    chunks before sending it to the TTS model rather than waiting for the whole text to be

    speed: float | None = None
    """The speed with which the TTS model will read the text. Between 0.25 and 4.0."""

voice class-attribute instance-attribute

voice: (
    | None
) = None

The voice to use for the TTS model. If not provided, the default voice for the respective model will be used.

buffer_size class-attribute instance-attribute

buffer_size: int = 120

The minimal size of the chunks of audio data that are being streamed out.

dtype class-attribute instance-attribute

dtype: DTypeLike = int16

The data type for the audio data to be returned in.

transform_data class-attribute instance-attribute

transform_data: (
        [NDArray[int16 | float32]], NDArray[int16 | float32]
    | None
) = None

A function to transform the data from the TTS model. This is useful if you want the resulting audio stream to have the data in a specific shape already.

instructions class-attribute instance-attribute

instructions: str = "You will receive partial sentences. Do not complete the sentence just read out the text."

The instructions to use for the TTS model. This is useful if you want to control the tone of the audio output.

text_splitter class-attribute instance-attribute

text_splitter: Callable[[str], tuple[str, str]] = (

A function to split the text into chunks. This is useful if you want to split the text into chunks before sending it to the TTS model rather than waiting for the whole text to be processed.

speed class-attribute instance-attribute

speed: float | None = None

The speed with which the TTS model will read the text. Between 0.25 and 4.0.


Bases: ABC

A text-to-speech model that can convert text into audio output.

Source code in src/agents/voice/
class TTSModel(abc.ABC):
    """A text-to-speech model that can convert text into audio output."""

    def model_name(self) -> str:
        """The name of the TTS model."""

    def run(self, text: str, settings: TTSModelSettings) -> AsyncIterator[bytes]:
        """Given a text string, produces a stream of audio bytes, in PCM format.

            text: The text to convert to audio.

            An async iterator of audio bytes, in PCM format.

model_name abstractmethod property

model_name: str

The name of the TTS model.

run abstractmethod

    text: str, settings: TTSModelSettings
) -> AsyncIterator[bytes]

Given a text string, produces a stream of audio bytes, in PCM format.


Name Type Description Default
text str

The text to convert to audio.



Type Description

An async iterator of audio bytes, in PCM format.

Source code in src/agents/voice/
def run(self, text: str, settings: TTSModelSettings) -> AsyncIterator[bytes]:
    """Given a text string, produces a stream of audio bytes, in PCM format.

        text: The text to convert to audio.

        An async iterator of audio bytes, in PCM format.


Bases: ABC

A streamed transcription of audio input.

Source code in src/agents/voice/
class StreamedTranscriptionSession(abc.ABC):
    """A streamed transcription of audio input."""

    def transcribe_turns(self) -> AsyncIterator[str]:
        """Yields a stream of text transcriptions. Each transcription is a turn in the conversation.

        This method is expected to return only after `close()` is called.

    async def close(self) -> None:
        """Closes the session."""

transcribe_turns abstractmethod

transcribe_turns() -> AsyncIterator[str]

Yields a stream of text transcriptions. Each transcription is a turn in the conversation.

This method is expected to return only after close() is called.

Source code in src/agents/voice/
def transcribe_turns(self) -> AsyncIterator[str]:
    """Yields a stream of text transcriptions. Each transcription is a turn in the conversation.

    This method is expected to return only after `close()` is called.

close abstractmethod async

close() -> None

Closes the session.

Source code in src/agents/voice/
async def close(self) -> None:
    """Closes the session."""

STTModelSettings dataclass

Settings for a speech-to-text model.

Source code in src/agents/voice/
class STTModelSettings:
    """Settings for a speech-to-text model."""

    prompt: str | None = None
    """Instructions for the model to follow."""

    language: str | None = None
    """The language of the audio input."""

    temperature: float | None = None
    """The temperature of the model."""

    turn_detection: dict[str, Any] | None = None
    """The turn detection settings for the model when using streamed audio input."""

prompt class-attribute instance-attribute

prompt: str | None = None

Instructions for the model to follow.

language class-attribute instance-attribute

language: str | None = None

The language of the audio input.

temperature class-attribute instance-attribute

temperature: float | None = None

The temperature of the model.

turn_detection class-attribute instance-attribute

turn_detection: dict[str, Any] | None = None

The turn detection settings for the model when using streamed audio input.


Bases: ABC

A speech-to-text model that can convert audio input into text.

Source code in src/agents/voice/
class STTModel(abc.ABC):
    """A speech-to-text model that can convert audio input into text."""

    def model_name(self) -> str:
        """The name of the STT model."""

    async def transcribe(
        input: AudioInput,
        settings: STTModelSettings,
        trace_include_sensitive_data: bool,
        trace_include_sensitive_audio_data: bool,
    ) -> str:
        """Given an audio input, produces a text transcription.

            input: The audio input to transcribe.
            settings: The settings to use for the transcription.
            trace_include_sensitive_data: Whether to include sensitive data in traces.
            trace_include_sensitive_audio_data: Whether to include sensitive audio data in traces.

            The text transcription of the audio input.

    async def create_session(
        input: StreamedAudioInput,
        settings: STTModelSettings,
        trace_include_sensitive_data: bool,
        trace_include_sensitive_audio_data: bool,
    ) -> StreamedTranscriptionSession:
        """Creates a new transcription session, which you can push audio to, and receive a stream
        of text transcriptions.

            input: The audio input to transcribe.
            settings: The settings to use for the transcription.
            trace_include_sensitive_data: Whether to include sensitive data in traces.
            trace_include_sensitive_audio_data: Whether to include sensitive audio data in traces.

            A new transcription session.

model_name abstractmethod property

model_name: str

The name of the STT model.

transcribe abstractmethod async

    input: AudioInput,
    settings: STTModelSettings,
    trace_include_sensitive_data: bool,
    trace_include_sensitive_audio_data: bool,
) -> str

Given an audio input, produces a text transcription.


Name Type Description Default
input AudioInput

The audio input to transcribe.

settings STTModelSettings

The settings to use for the transcription.

trace_include_sensitive_data bool

Whether to include sensitive data in traces.

trace_include_sensitive_audio_data bool

Whether to include sensitive audio data in traces.



Type Description

The text transcription of the audio input.

Source code in src/agents/voice/
async def transcribe(
    input: AudioInput,
    settings: STTModelSettings,
    trace_include_sensitive_data: bool,
    trace_include_sensitive_audio_data: bool,
) -> str:
    """Given an audio input, produces a text transcription.

        input: The audio input to transcribe.
        settings: The settings to use for the transcription.
        trace_include_sensitive_data: Whether to include sensitive data in traces.
        trace_include_sensitive_audio_data: Whether to include sensitive audio data in traces.

        The text transcription of the audio input.

create_session abstractmethod async

    input: StreamedAudioInput,
    settings: STTModelSettings,
    trace_include_sensitive_data: bool,
    trace_include_sensitive_audio_data: bool,
) -> StreamedTranscriptionSession

Creates a new transcription session, which you can push audio to, and receive a stream of text transcriptions.


Name Type Description Default
input StreamedAudioInput

The audio input to transcribe.

settings STTModelSettings

The settings to use for the transcription.

trace_include_sensitive_data bool

Whether to include sensitive data in traces.

trace_include_sensitive_audio_data bool

Whether to include sensitive audio data in traces.



Type Description

A new transcription session.

Source code in src/agents/voice/
async def create_session(
    input: StreamedAudioInput,
    settings: STTModelSettings,
    trace_include_sensitive_data: bool,
    trace_include_sensitive_audio_data: bool,
) -> StreamedTranscriptionSession:
    """Creates a new transcription session, which you can push audio to, and receive a stream
    of text transcriptions.

        input: The audio input to transcribe.
        settings: The settings to use for the transcription.
        trace_include_sensitive_data: Whether to include sensitive data in traces.
        trace_include_sensitive_audio_data: Whether to include sensitive audio data in traces.

        A new transcription session.


Bases: ABC

The base interface for a voice model provider.

A model provider is responsible for creating speech-to-text and text-to-speech models, given a name.

Source code in src/agents/voice/
class VoiceModelProvider(abc.ABC):
    """The base interface for a voice model provider.

    A model provider is responsible for creating speech-to-text and text-to-speech models, given a

    def get_stt_model(self, model_name: str | None) -> STTModel:
        """Get a speech-to-text model by name.

            model_name: The name of the model to get.

            The speech-to-text model.

    def get_tts_model(self, model_name: str | None) -> TTSModel:
        """Get a text-to-speech model by name."""

get_stt_model abstractmethod

get_stt_model(model_name: str | None) -> STTModel

Get a speech-to-text model by name.


Name Type Description Default
model_name str | None

The name of the model to get.



Type Description

The speech-to-text model.

Source code in src/agents/voice/
def get_stt_model(self, model_name: str | None) -> STTModel:
    """Get a speech-to-text model by name.

        model_name: The name of the model to get.

        The speech-to-text model.

get_tts_model abstractmethod

get_tts_model(model_name: str | None) -> TTSModel

Get a text-to-speech model by name.

Source code in src/agents/voice/
def get_tts_model(self, model_name: str | None) -> TTSModel:
    """Get a text-to-speech model by name."""