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AudioInput dataclass

Static audio to be used as input for the VoicePipeline.

Source code in src/agents/voice/
class AudioInput:
    """Static audio to be used as input for the VoicePipeline."""

    buffer: npt.NDArray[np.int16 | np.float32]
    A buffer containing the audio data for the agent. Must be a numpy array of int16 or float32.

    frame_rate: int = DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE
    """The sample rate of the audio data. Defaults to 24000."""

    sample_width: int = 2
    """The sample width of the audio data. Defaults to 2."""

    channels: int = 1
    """The number of channels in the audio data. Defaults to 1."""

    def to_audio_file(self) -> tuple[str, io.BytesIO, str]:
        """Returns a tuple of (filename, bytes, content_type)"""
        return _buffer_to_audio_file(self.buffer, self.frame_rate, self.sample_width, self.channels)

    def to_base64(self) -> str:
        """Returns the audio data as a base64 encoded string."""
        if self.buffer.dtype == np.float32:
            # convert to int16
            self.buffer = np.clip(self.buffer, -1.0, 1.0)
            self.buffer = (self.buffer * 32767).astype(np.int16)
        elif self.buffer.dtype != np.int16:
            raise UserError("Buffer must be a numpy array of int16 or float32")

        return base64.b64encode(self.buffer.tobytes()).decode("utf-8")

buffer instance-attribute

buffer: NDArray[int16 | float32]

A buffer containing the audio data for the agent. Must be a numpy array of int16 or float32.

frame_rate class-attribute instance-attribute

frame_rate: int = DEFAULT_SAMPLE_RATE

The sample rate of the audio data. Defaults to 24000.

sample_width class-attribute instance-attribute

sample_width: int = 2

The sample width of the audio data. Defaults to 2.

channels class-attribute instance-attribute

channels: int = 1

The number of channels in the audio data. Defaults to 1.


to_audio_file() -> tuple[str, BytesIO, str]

Returns a tuple of (filename, bytes, content_type)

Source code in src/agents/voice/
def to_audio_file(self) -> tuple[str, io.BytesIO, str]:
    """Returns a tuple of (filename, bytes, content_type)"""
    return _buffer_to_audio_file(self.buffer, self.frame_rate, self.sample_width, self.channels)


to_base64() -> str

Returns the audio data as a base64 encoded string.

Source code in src/agents/voice/
def to_base64(self) -> str:
    """Returns the audio data as a base64 encoded string."""
    if self.buffer.dtype == np.float32:
        # convert to int16
        self.buffer = np.clip(self.buffer, -1.0, 1.0)
        self.buffer = (self.buffer * 32767).astype(np.int16)
    elif self.buffer.dtype != np.int16:
        raise UserError("Buffer must be a numpy array of int16 or float32")

    return base64.b64encode(self.buffer.tobytes()).decode("utf-8")


Audio input represented as a stream of audio data. You can pass this to the VoicePipeline and then push audio data into the queue using the add_audio method.

Source code in src/agents/voice/
class StreamedAudioInput:
    """Audio input represented as a stream of audio data. You can pass this to the `VoicePipeline`
    and then push audio data into the queue using the `add_audio` method.

    def __init__(self):
        self.queue: asyncio.Queue[npt.NDArray[np.int16 | np.float32]] = asyncio.Queue()

    async def add_audio(self, audio: npt.NDArray[np.int16 | np.float32]):
        """Adds more audio data to the stream.

            audio: The audio data to add. Must be a numpy array of int16 or float32.
        await self.queue.put(audio)

add_audio async

add_audio(audio: NDArray[int16 | float32])

Adds more audio data to the stream.


Name Type Description Default
audio NDArray[int16 | float32]

The audio data to add. Must be a numpy array of int16 or float32.

Source code in src/agents/voice/
async def add_audio(self, audio: npt.NDArray[np.int16 | np.float32]):
    """Adds more audio data to the stream.

        audio: The audio data to add. Must be a numpy array of int16 or float32.
    await self.queue.put(audio)