Util time_iso time_iso() -> str Returns the current time in ISO 8601 format. Source code in src/agents/tracing/util.py 5 6 7def time_iso() -> str: """Returns the current time in ISO 8601 format.""" return datetime.now(timezone.utc).isoformat() gen_trace_id gen_trace_id() -> str Generates a new trace ID. Source code in src/agents/tracing/util.py 10 11 12def gen_trace_id() -> str: """Generates a new trace ID.""" return f"trace_{uuid.uuid4().hex}" gen_span_id gen_span_id() -> str Generates a new span ID. Source code in src/agents/tracing/util.py 15 16 17def gen_span_id() -> str: """Generates a new span ID.""" return f"span_{uuid.uuid4().hex[:24]}"