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Creating traces/spans


    workflow_name: str,
    trace_id: str | None = None,
    group_id: str | None = None,
    metadata: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    disabled: bool = False,
) -> Trace

Create a new trace. The trace will not be started automatically; you should either use it as a context manager (with trace(...):) or call trace.start() + trace.finish() manually.

In addition to the workflow name and optional grouping identifier, you can provide an arbitrary metadata dictionary to attach additional user-defined information to the trace.


Name Type Description Default
workflow_name str

The name of the logical app or workflow. For example, you might provide "code_bot" for a coding agent, or "customer_support_agent" for a customer support agent.

trace_id str | None

The ID of the trace. Optional. If not provided, we will generate an ID. We recommend using util.gen_trace_id() to generate a trace ID, to guarantee that IDs are correctly formatted.

group_id str | None

Optional grouping identifier to link multiple traces from the same conversation or process. For instance, you might use a chat thread ID.

metadata dict[str, Any] | None

Optional dictionary of additional metadata to attach to the trace.

disabled bool

If True, we will return a Trace but the Trace will not be recorded. This will not be checked if there's an existing trace and even_if_trace_running is True.



Type Description

The newly created trace object.

Source code in src/agents/tracing/
def trace(
    workflow_name: str,
    trace_id: str | None = None,
    group_id: str | None = None,
    metadata: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    disabled: bool = False,
) -> Trace:
    Create a new trace. The trace will not be started automatically; you should either use
    it as a context manager (`with trace(...):`) or call `trace.start()` + `trace.finish()`

    In addition to the workflow name and optional grouping identifier, you can provide
    an arbitrary metadata dictionary to attach additional user-defined information to
    the trace.

        workflow_name: The name of the logical app or workflow. For example, you might provide
            "code_bot" for a coding agent, or "customer_support_agent" for a customer support agent.
        trace_id: The ID of the trace. Optional. If not provided, we will generate an ID. We
            recommend using `util.gen_trace_id()` to generate a trace ID, to guarantee that IDs are
            correctly formatted.
        group_id: Optional grouping identifier to link multiple traces from the same conversation
            or process. For instance, you might use a chat thread ID.
        metadata: Optional dictionary of additional metadata to attach to the trace.
        disabled: If True, we will return a Trace but the Trace will not be recorded. This will
            not be checked if there's an existing trace and `even_if_trace_running` is True.

        The newly created trace object.
    current_trace = GLOBAL_TRACE_PROVIDER.get_current_trace()
    if current_trace:
            "Trace already exists. Creating a new trace, but this is probably a mistake."

    return GLOBAL_TRACE_PROVIDER.create_trace(


get_current_trace() -> Trace | None

Returns the currently active trace, if present.

Source code in src/agents/tracing/
def get_current_trace() -> Trace | None:
    """Returns the currently active trace, if present."""
    return GLOBAL_TRACE_PROVIDER.get_current_trace()


get_current_span() -> Span[Any] | None

Returns the currently active span, if present.

Source code in src/agents/tracing/
def get_current_span() -> Span[Any] | None:
    """Returns the currently active span, if present."""
    return GLOBAL_TRACE_PROVIDER.get_current_span()


    name: str,
    handoffs: list[str] | None = None,
    tools: list[str] | None = None,
    output_type: str | None = None,
    span_id: str | None = None,
    parent: Trace | Span[Any] | None = None,
    disabled: bool = False,
) -> Span[AgentSpanData]

Create a new agent span. The span will not be started automatically, you should either do with agent_span() ... or call span.start() + span.finish() manually.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the agent.

handoffs list[str] | None

Optional list of agent names to which this agent could hand off control.

tools list[str] | None

Optional list of tool names available to this agent.

output_type str | None

Optional name of the output type produced by the agent.

span_id str | None

The ID of the span. Optional. If not provided, we will generate an ID. We recommend using util.gen_span_id() to generate a span ID, to guarantee that IDs are correctly formatted.

parent Trace | Span[Any] | None

The parent span or trace. If not provided, we will automatically use the current trace/span as the parent.

disabled bool

If True, we will return a Span but the Span will not be recorded.



Type Description

The newly created agent span.

Source code in src/agents/tracing/
def agent_span(
    name: str,
    handoffs: list[str] | None = None,
    tools: list[str] | None = None,
    output_type: str | None = None,
    span_id: str | None = None,
    parent: Trace | Span[Any] | None = None,
    disabled: bool = False,
) -> Span[AgentSpanData]:
    """Create a new agent span. The span will not be started automatically, you should either do
    `with agent_span() ...` or call `span.start()` + `span.finish()` manually.

        name: The name of the agent.
        handoffs: Optional list of agent names to which this agent could hand off control.
        tools: Optional list of tool names available to this agent.
        output_type: Optional name of the output type produced by the agent.
        span_id: The ID of the span. Optional. If not provided, we will generate an ID. We
            recommend using `util.gen_span_id()` to generate a span ID, to guarantee that IDs are
            correctly formatted.
        parent: The parent span or trace. If not provided, we will automatically use the current
            trace/span as the parent.
        disabled: If True, we will return a Span but the Span will not be recorded.

        The newly created agent span.
    return GLOBAL_TRACE_PROVIDER.create_span(
        span_data=AgentSpanData(name=name, handoffs=handoffs, tools=tools, output_type=output_type),


    name: str,
    input: str | None = None,
    output: str | None = None,
    span_id: str | None = None,
    parent: Trace | Span[Any] | None = None,
    disabled: bool = False,
) -> Span[FunctionSpanData]

Create a new function span. The span will not be started automatically, you should either do with function_span() ... or call span.start() + span.finish() manually.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the function.

input str | None

The input to the function.

output str | None

The output of the function.

span_id str | None

The ID of the span. Optional. If not provided, we will generate an ID. We recommend using util.gen_span_id() to generate a span ID, to guarantee that IDs are correctly formatted.

parent Trace | Span[Any] | None

The parent span or trace. If not provided, we will automatically use the current trace/span as the parent.

disabled bool

If True, we will return a Span but the Span will not be recorded.



Type Description

The newly created function span.

Source code in src/agents/tracing/
def function_span(
    name: str,
    input: str | None = None,
    output: str | None = None,
    span_id: str | None = None,
    parent: Trace | Span[Any] | None = None,
    disabled: bool = False,
) -> Span[FunctionSpanData]:
    """Create a new function span. The span will not be started automatically, you should either do
    `with function_span() ...` or call `span.start()` + `span.finish()` manually.

        name: The name of the function.
        input: The input to the function.
        output: The output of the function.
        span_id: The ID of the span. Optional. If not provided, we will generate an ID. We
            recommend using `util.gen_span_id()` to generate a span ID, to guarantee that IDs are
            correctly formatted.
        parent: The parent span or trace. If not provided, we will automatically use the current
            trace/span as the parent.
        disabled: If True, we will return a Span but the Span will not be recorded.

        The newly created function span.
    return GLOBAL_TRACE_PROVIDER.create_span(
        span_data=FunctionSpanData(name=name, input=input, output=output),


    input: Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]] | None = None,
    output: Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]] | None = None,
    model: str | None = None,
    model_config: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None,
    usage: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    span_id: str | None = None,
    parent: Trace | Span[Any] | None = None,
    disabled: bool = False,
) -> Span[GenerationSpanData]

Create a new generation span. The span will not be started automatically, you should either do with generation_span() ... or call span.start() + span.finish() manually.

This span captures the details of a model generation, including the input message sequence, any generated outputs, the model name and configuration, and usage data. If you only need to capture a model response identifier, use response_span() instead.


Name Type Description Default
input Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]] | None

The sequence of input messages sent to the model.

output Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]] | None

The sequence of output messages received from the model.

model str | None

The model identifier used for the generation.

model_config Mapping[str, Any] | None

The model configuration (hyperparameters) used.

usage dict[str, Any] | None

A dictionary of usage information (input tokens, output tokens, etc.).

span_id str | None

The ID of the span. Optional. If not provided, we will generate an ID. We recommend using util.gen_span_id() to generate a span ID, to guarantee that IDs are correctly formatted.

parent Trace | Span[Any] | None

The parent span or trace. If not provided, we will automatically use the current trace/span as the parent.

disabled bool

If True, we will return a Span but the Span will not be recorded.



Type Description

The newly created generation span.

Source code in src/agents/tracing/
def generation_span(
    input: Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]] | None = None,
    output: Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]] | None = None,
    model: str | None = None,
    model_config: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None,
    usage: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    span_id: str | None = None,
    parent: Trace | Span[Any] | None = None,
    disabled: bool = False,
) -> Span[GenerationSpanData]:
    """Create a new generation span. The span will not be started automatically, you should either
    do `with generation_span() ...` or call `span.start()` + `span.finish()` manually.

    This span captures the details of a model generation, including the
    input message sequence, any generated outputs, the model name and
    configuration, and usage data. If you only need to capture a model
    response identifier, use `response_span()` instead.

        input: The sequence of input messages sent to the model.
        output: The sequence of output messages received from the model.
        model: The model identifier used for the generation.
        model_config: The model configuration (hyperparameters) used.
        usage: A dictionary of usage information (input tokens, output tokens, etc.).
        span_id: The ID of the span. Optional. If not provided, we will generate an ID. We
            recommend using `util.gen_span_id()` to generate a span ID, to guarantee that IDs are
            correctly formatted.
        parent: The parent span or trace. If not provided, we will automatically use the current
            trace/span as the parent.
        disabled: If True, we will return a Span but the Span will not be recorded.

        The newly created generation span.
    return GLOBAL_TRACE_PROVIDER.create_span(
            input=input, output=output, model=model, model_config=model_config, usage=usage


    response: Response | None = None,
    span_id: str | None = None,
    parent: Trace | Span[Any] | None = None,
    disabled: bool = False,
) -> Span[ResponseSpanData]

Create a new response span. The span will not be started automatically, you should either do with response_span() ... or call span.start() + span.finish() manually.


Name Type Description Default
response Response | None

The OpenAI Response object.

span_id str | None

The ID of the span. Optional. If not provided, we will generate an ID. We recommend using util.gen_span_id() to generate a span ID, to guarantee that IDs are correctly formatted.

parent Trace | Span[Any] | None

The parent span or trace. If not provided, we will automatically use the current trace/span as the parent.

disabled bool

If True, we will return a Span but the Span will not be recorded.

Source code in src/agents/tracing/
def response_span(
    response: Response | None = None,
    span_id: str | None = None,
    parent: Trace | Span[Any] | None = None,
    disabled: bool = False,
) -> Span[ResponseSpanData]:
    """Create a new response span. The span will not be started automatically, you should either do
    `with response_span() ...` or call `span.start()` + `span.finish()` manually.

        response: The OpenAI Response object.
        span_id: The ID of the span. Optional. If not provided, we will generate an ID. We
            recommend using `util.gen_span_id()` to generate a span ID, to guarantee that IDs are
            correctly formatted.
        parent: The parent span or trace. If not provided, we will automatically use the current
            trace/span as the parent.
        disabled: If True, we will return a Span but the Span will not be recorded.
    return GLOBAL_TRACE_PROVIDER.create_span(


    from_agent: str | None = None,
    to_agent: str | None = None,
    span_id: str | None = None,
    parent: Trace | Span[Any] | None = None,
    disabled: bool = False,
) -> Span[HandoffSpanData]

Create a new handoff span. The span will not be started automatically, you should either do with handoff_span() ... or call span.start() + span.finish() manually.


Name Type Description Default
from_agent str | None

The name of the agent that is handing off.

to_agent str | None

The name of the agent that is receiving the handoff.

span_id str | None

The ID of the span. Optional. If not provided, we will generate an ID. We recommend using util.gen_span_id() to generate a span ID, to guarantee that IDs are correctly formatted.

parent Trace | Span[Any] | None

The parent span or trace. If not provided, we will automatically use the current trace/span as the parent.

disabled bool

If True, we will return a Span but the Span will not be recorded.



Type Description

The newly created handoff span.

Source code in src/agents/tracing/
def handoff_span(
    from_agent: str | None = None,
    to_agent: str | None = None,
    span_id: str | None = None,
    parent: Trace | Span[Any] | None = None,
    disabled: bool = False,
) -> Span[HandoffSpanData]:
    """Create a new handoff span. The span will not be started automatically, you should either do
    `with handoff_span() ...` or call `span.start()` + `span.finish()` manually.

        from_agent: The name of the agent that is handing off.
        to_agent: The name of the agent that is receiving the handoff.
        span_id: The ID of the span. Optional. If not provided, we will generate an ID. We
            recommend using `util.gen_span_id()` to generate a span ID, to guarantee that IDs are
            correctly formatted.
        parent: The parent span or trace. If not provided, we will automatically use the current
            trace/span as the parent.
        disabled: If True, we will return a Span but the Span will not be recorded.

        The newly created handoff span.
    return GLOBAL_TRACE_PROVIDER.create_span(
        span_data=HandoffSpanData(from_agent=from_agent, to_agent=to_agent),


    name: str,
    data: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    span_id: str | None = None,
    parent: Trace | Span[Any] | None = None,
    disabled: bool = False,
) -> Span[CustomSpanData]

Create a new custom span, to which you can add your own metadata. The span will not be started automatically, you should either do with custom_span() ... or call span.start() + span.finish() manually.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the custom span.

data dict[str, Any] | None

Arbitrary structured data to associate with the span.

span_id str | None

The ID of the span. Optional. If not provided, we will generate an ID. We recommend using util.gen_span_id() to generate a span ID, to guarantee that IDs are correctly formatted.

parent Trace | Span[Any] | None

The parent span or trace. If not provided, we will automatically use the current trace/span as the parent.

disabled bool

If True, we will return a Span but the Span will not be recorded.



Type Description

The newly created custom span.

Source code in src/agents/tracing/
def custom_span(
    name: str,
    data: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    span_id: str | None = None,
    parent: Trace | Span[Any] | None = None,
    disabled: bool = False,
) -> Span[CustomSpanData]:
    """Create a new custom span, to which you can add your own metadata. The span will not be
    started automatically, you should either do `with custom_span() ...` or call
    `span.start()` + `span.finish()` manually.

        name: The name of the custom span.
        data: Arbitrary structured data to associate with the span.
        span_id: The ID of the span. Optional. If not provided, we will generate an ID. We
            recommend using `util.gen_span_id()` to generate a span ID, to guarantee that IDs are
            correctly formatted.
        parent: The parent span or trace. If not provided, we will automatically use the current
            trace/span as the parent.
        disabled: If True, we will return a Span but the Span will not be recorded.

        The newly created custom span.
    return GLOBAL_TRACE_PROVIDER.create_span(
        span_data=CustomSpanData(name=name, data=data or {}),


    name: str,
    triggered: bool = False,
    span_id: str | None = None,
    parent: Trace | Span[Any] | None = None,
    disabled: bool = False,
) -> Span[GuardrailSpanData]

Create a new guardrail span. The span will not be started automatically, you should either do with guardrail_span() ... or call span.start() + span.finish() manually.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the guardrail.

triggered bool

Whether the guardrail was triggered.

span_id str | None

The ID of the span. Optional. If not provided, we will generate an ID. We recommend using util.gen_span_id() to generate a span ID, to guarantee that IDs are correctly formatted.

parent Trace | Span[Any] | None

The parent span or trace. If not provided, we will automatically use the current trace/span as the parent.

disabled bool

If True, we will return a Span but the Span will not be recorded.

Source code in src/agents/tracing/
def guardrail_span(
    name: str,
    triggered: bool = False,
    span_id: str | None = None,
    parent: Trace | Span[Any] | None = None,
    disabled: bool = False,
) -> Span[GuardrailSpanData]:
    """Create a new guardrail span. The span will not be started automatically, you should either
    do `with guardrail_span() ...` or call `span.start()` + `span.finish()` manually.

        name: The name of the guardrail.
        triggered: Whether the guardrail was triggered.
        span_id: The ID of the span. Optional. If not provided, we will generate an ID. We
            recommend using `util.gen_span_id()` to generate a span ID, to guarantee that IDs are
            correctly formatted.
        parent: The parent span or trace. If not provided, we will automatically use the current
            trace/span as the parent.
        disabled: If True, we will return a Span but the Span will not be recorded.
    return GLOBAL_TRACE_PROVIDER.create_span(
        span_data=GuardrailSpanData(name=name, triggered=triggered),