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RunResultBase dataclass

Bases: ABC

Source code in src/agents/
class RunResultBase(abc.ABC):
    input: str | list[TResponseInputItem]
    """The original input items i.e. the items before run() was called. This may be a mutated
    version of the input, if there are handoff input filters that mutate the input.

    new_items: list[RunItem]
    """The new items generated during the agent run. These include things like new messages, tool
    calls and their outputs, etc.

    raw_responses: list[ModelResponse]
    """The raw LLM responses generated by the model during the agent run."""

    final_output: Any
    """The output of the last agent."""

    input_guardrail_results: list[InputGuardrailResult]
    """Guardrail results for the input messages."""

    output_guardrail_results: list[OutputGuardrailResult]
    """Guardrail results for the final output of the agent."""

    def last_agent(self) -> Agent[Any]:
        """The last agent that was run."""

    def final_output_as(self, cls: type[T], raise_if_incorrect_type: bool = False) -> T:
        """A convenience method to cast the final output to a specific type. By default, the cast
        is only for the typechecker. If you set `raise_if_incorrect_type` to True, we'll raise a
        TypeError if the final output is not of the given type.

            cls: The type to cast the final output to.
            raise_if_incorrect_type: If True, we'll raise a TypeError if the final output is not of
                the given type.

            The final output casted to the given type.
        if raise_if_incorrect_type and not isinstance(self.final_output, cls):
            raise TypeError(f"Final output is not of type {cls.__name__}")

        return cast(T, self.final_output)

    def to_input_list(self) -> list[TResponseInputItem]:
        """Creates a new input list, merging the original input with all the new items generated."""
        original_items: list[TResponseInputItem] = ItemHelpers.input_to_new_input_list(self.input)
        new_items = [item.to_input_item() for item in self.new_items]

        return original_items + new_items

input instance-attribute

input: str | list[TResponseInputItem]

The original input items i.e. the items before run() was called. This may be a mutated version of the input, if there are handoff input filters that mutate the input.

new_items instance-attribute

new_items: list[RunItem]

The new items generated during the agent run. These include things like new messages, tool calls and their outputs, etc.

raw_responses instance-attribute

raw_responses: list[ModelResponse]

The raw LLM responses generated by the model during the agent run.

final_output instance-attribute

final_output: Any

The output of the last agent.

input_guardrail_results instance-attribute

input_guardrail_results: list[InputGuardrailResult]

Guardrail results for the input messages.

output_guardrail_results instance-attribute

output_guardrail_results: list[OutputGuardrailResult]

Guardrail results for the final output of the agent.

last_agent abstractmethod property

last_agent: Agent[Any]

The last agent that was run.


    cls: type[T], raise_if_incorrect_type: bool = False
) -> T

A convenience method to cast the final output to a specific type. By default, the cast is only for the typechecker. If you set raise_if_incorrect_type to True, we'll raise a TypeError if the final output is not of the given type.


Name Type Description Default
cls type[T]

The type to cast the final output to.

raise_if_incorrect_type bool

If True, we'll raise a TypeError if the final output is not of the given type.



Type Description

The final output casted to the given type.

Source code in src/agents/
def final_output_as(self, cls: type[T], raise_if_incorrect_type: bool = False) -> T:
    """A convenience method to cast the final output to a specific type. By default, the cast
    is only for the typechecker. If you set `raise_if_incorrect_type` to True, we'll raise a
    TypeError if the final output is not of the given type.

        cls: The type to cast the final output to.
        raise_if_incorrect_type: If True, we'll raise a TypeError if the final output is not of
            the given type.

        The final output casted to the given type.
    if raise_if_incorrect_type and not isinstance(self.final_output, cls):
        raise TypeError(f"Final output is not of type {cls.__name__}")

    return cast(T, self.final_output)


to_input_list() -> list[TResponseInputItem]

Creates a new input list, merging the original input with all the new items generated.

Source code in src/agents/
def to_input_list(self) -> list[TResponseInputItem]:
    """Creates a new input list, merging the original input with all the new items generated."""
    original_items: list[TResponseInputItem] = ItemHelpers.input_to_new_input_list(self.input)
    new_items = [item.to_input_item() for item in self.new_items]

    return original_items + new_items

RunResult dataclass

Bases: RunResultBase

Source code in src/agents/
class RunResult(RunResultBase):
    _last_agent: Agent[Any]

    def last_agent(self) -> Agent[Any]:
        """The last agent that was run."""
        return self._last_agent

last_agent property

last_agent: Agent[Any]

The last agent that was run.

RunResultStreaming dataclass

Bases: RunResultBase

The result of an agent run in streaming mode. You can use the stream_events method to receive semantic events as they are generated.

The streaming method will raise: - A MaxTurnsExceeded exception if the agent exceeds the max_turns limit. - A GuardrailTripwireTriggered exception if a guardrail is tripped.

Source code in src/agents/
class RunResultStreaming(RunResultBase):
    """The result of an agent run in streaming mode. You can use the `stream_events` method to
    receive semantic events as they are generated.

    The streaming method will raise:
    - A MaxTurnsExceeded exception if the agent exceeds the max_turns limit.
    - A GuardrailTripwireTriggered exception if a guardrail is tripped.

    current_agent: Agent[Any]
    """The current agent that is running."""

    current_turn: int
    """The current turn number."""

    max_turns: int
    """The maximum number of turns the agent can run for."""

    final_output: Any
    """The final output of the agent. This is None until the agent has finished running."""

    _current_agent_output_schema: AgentOutputSchema | None = field(repr=False)

    _trace: Trace | None = field(repr=False)

    is_complete: bool = False
    """Whether the agent has finished running."""

    # Queues that the background run_loop writes to
    _event_queue: asyncio.Queue[StreamEvent | QueueCompleteSentinel] = field(
        default_factory=asyncio.Queue, repr=False
    _input_guardrail_queue: asyncio.Queue[InputGuardrailResult] = field(
        default_factory=asyncio.Queue, repr=False

    # Store the asyncio tasks that we're waiting on
    _run_impl_task: asyncio.Task[Any] | None = field(default=None, repr=False)
    _input_guardrails_task: asyncio.Task[Any] | None = field(default=None, repr=False)
    _output_guardrails_task: asyncio.Task[Any] | None = field(default=None, repr=False)
    _stored_exception: Exception | None = field(default=None, repr=False)

    def last_agent(self) -> Agent[Any]:
        """The last agent that was run. Updates as the agent run progresses, so the true last agent
        is only available after the agent run is complete.
        return self.current_agent

    async def stream_events(self) -> AsyncIterator[StreamEvent]:
        """Stream deltas for new items as they are generated. We're using the types from the
        OpenAI Responses API, so these are semantic events: each event has a `type` field that
        describes the type of the event, along with the data for that event.

        This will raise:
        - A MaxTurnsExceeded exception if the agent exceeds the max_turns limit.
        - A GuardrailTripwireTriggered exception if a guardrail is tripped.
        while True:
            if self._stored_exception:
                logger.debug("Breaking due to stored exception")
                self.is_complete = True

            if self.is_complete and self._event_queue.empty():

                item = await self._event_queue.get()
            except asyncio.CancelledError:

            if isinstance(item, QueueCompleteSentinel):
                # Check for errors, in case the queue was completed due to an exception

            yield item

        if self._trace:


        if self._stored_exception:
            raise self._stored_exception

    def _check_errors(self):
        if self.current_turn > self.max_turns:
            self._stored_exception = MaxTurnsExceeded(f"Max turns ({self.max_turns}) exceeded")

        # Fetch all the completed guardrail results from the queue and raise if needed
        while not self._input_guardrail_queue.empty():
            guardrail_result = self._input_guardrail_queue.get_nowait()
            if guardrail_result.output.tripwire_triggered:
                self._stored_exception = InputGuardrailTripwireTriggered(guardrail_result)

        # Check the tasks for any exceptions
        if self._run_impl_task and self._run_impl_task.done():
            exc = self._run_impl_task.exception()
            if exc and isinstance(exc, Exception):
                self._stored_exception = exc

        if self._input_guardrails_task and self._input_guardrails_task.done():
            exc = self._input_guardrails_task.exception()
            if exc and isinstance(exc, Exception):
                self._stored_exception = exc

        if self._output_guardrails_task and self._output_guardrails_task.done():
            exc = self._output_guardrails_task.exception()
            if exc and isinstance(exc, Exception):
                self._stored_exception = exc

    def _cleanup_tasks(self):
        if self._run_impl_task and not self._run_impl_task.done():

        if self._input_guardrails_task and not self._input_guardrails_task.done():

        if self._output_guardrails_task and not self._output_guardrails_task.done():

current_agent instance-attribute

current_agent: Agent[Any]

The current agent that is running.

current_turn instance-attribute

current_turn: int

The current turn number.

max_turns instance-attribute

max_turns: int

The maximum number of turns the agent can run for.

final_output instance-attribute

final_output: Any

The final output of the agent. This is None until the agent has finished running.

is_complete class-attribute instance-attribute

is_complete: bool = False

Whether the agent has finished running.

last_agent property

last_agent: Agent[Any]

The last agent that was run. Updates as the agent run progresses, so the true last agent is only available after the agent run is complete.

stream_events async

stream_events() -> AsyncIterator[StreamEvent]

Stream deltas for new items as they are generated. We're using the types from the OpenAI Responses API, so these are semantic events: each event has a type field that describes the type of the event, along with the data for that event.

This will raise: - A MaxTurnsExceeded exception if the agent exceeds the max_turns limit. - A GuardrailTripwireTriggered exception if a guardrail is tripped.

Source code in src/agents/
async def stream_events(self) -> AsyncIterator[StreamEvent]:
    """Stream deltas for new items as they are generated. We're using the types from the
    OpenAI Responses API, so these are semantic events: each event has a `type` field that
    describes the type of the event, along with the data for that event.

    This will raise:
    - A MaxTurnsExceeded exception if the agent exceeds the max_turns limit.
    - A GuardrailTripwireTriggered exception if a guardrail is tripped.
    while True:
        if self._stored_exception:
            logger.debug("Breaking due to stored exception")
            self.is_complete = True

        if self.is_complete and self._event_queue.empty():

            item = await self._event_queue.get()
        except asyncio.CancelledError:

        if isinstance(item, QueueCompleteSentinel):
            # Check for errors, in case the queue was completed due to an exception

        yield item

    if self._trace:


    if self._stored_exception:
        raise self._stored_exception