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MCP Servers


Bases: ABC

Base class for Model Context Protocol servers.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
class MCPServer(abc.ABC):
    """Base class for Model Context Protocol servers."""

    async def connect(self):
        """Connect to the server. For example, this might mean spawning a subprocess or
        opening a network connection. The server is expected to remain connected until
        `cleanup()` is called.

    def name(self) -> str:
        """A readable name for the server."""

    async def cleanup(self):
        """Cleanup the server. For example, this might mean closing a subprocess or
        closing a network connection.

    async def list_tools(self) -> list[MCPTool]:
        """List the tools available on the server."""

    async def call_tool(self, tool_name: str, arguments: dict[str, Any] | None) -> CallToolResult:
        """Invoke a tool on the server."""

name abstractmethod property

name: str

A readable name for the server.

connect abstractmethod async


Connect to the server. For example, this might mean spawning a subprocess or opening a network connection. The server is expected to remain connected until cleanup() is called.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
async def connect(self):
    """Connect to the server. For example, this might mean spawning a subprocess or
    opening a network connection. The server is expected to remain connected until
    `cleanup()` is called.

cleanup abstractmethod async


Cleanup the server. For example, this might mean closing a subprocess or closing a network connection.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
async def cleanup(self):
    """Cleanup the server. For example, this might mean closing a subprocess or
    closing a network connection.

list_tools abstractmethod async

list_tools() -> list[Tool]

List the tools available on the server.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
async def list_tools(self) -> list[MCPTool]:
    """List the tools available on the server."""

call_tool abstractmethod async

    tool_name: str, arguments: dict[str, Any] | None
) -> CallToolResult

Invoke a tool on the server.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
async def call_tool(self, tool_name: str, arguments: dict[str, Any] | None) -> CallToolResult:
    """Invoke a tool on the server."""


Bases: TypedDict

Mirrors mcp.client.stdio.StdioServerParameters, but lets you pass params without another import.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
class MCPServerStdioParams(TypedDict):
    """Mirrors `mcp.client.stdio.StdioServerParameters`, but lets you pass params without another

    command: str
    """The executable to run to start the server. For example, `python` or `node`."""

    args: NotRequired[list[str]]
    """Command line args to pass to the `command` executable. For example, `['']` or
    `['server.js', '--port', '8080']`."""

    env: NotRequired[dict[str, str]]
    """The environment variables to set for the server. ."""

    cwd: NotRequired[str | Path]
    """The working directory to use when spawning the process."""

    encoding: NotRequired[str]
    """The text encoding used when sending/receiving messages to the server. Defaults to `utf-8`."""

    encoding_error_handler: NotRequired[Literal["strict", "ignore", "replace"]]
    """The text encoding error handler. Defaults to `strict`.

    See for
    explanations of possible values.

command instance-attribute

command: str

The executable to run to start the server. For example, python or node.

args instance-attribute

args: NotRequired[list[str]]

Command line args to pass to the command executable. For example, [''] or ['server.js', '--port', '8080'].

env instance-attribute

env: NotRequired[dict[str, str]]

The environment variables to set for the server. .

cwd instance-attribute

cwd: NotRequired[str | Path]

The working directory to use when spawning the process.

encoding instance-attribute

encoding: NotRequired[str]

The text encoding used when sending/receiving messages to the server. Defaults to utf-8.

encoding_error_handler instance-attribute

encoding_error_handler: NotRequired[
    Literal["strict", "ignore", "replace"]

The text encoding error handler. Defaults to strict.

See for explanations of possible values.


Bases: _MCPServerWithClientSession

MCP server implementation that uses the stdio transport. See the [spec] ( for details.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
class MCPServerStdio(_MCPServerWithClientSession):
    """MCP server implementation that uses the stdio transport. See the [spec]
    ( for

    def __init__(
        params: MCPServerStdioParams,
        cache_tools_list: bool = False,
        name: str | None = None,
        """Create a new MCP server based on the stdio transport.

            params: The params that configure the server. This includes the command to run to
                start the server, the args to pass to the command, the environment variables to
                set for the server, the working directory to use when spawning the process, and
                the text encoding used when sending/receiving messages to the server.
            cache_tools_list: Whether to cache the tools list. If `True`, the tools list will be
                cached and only fetched from the server once. If `False`, the tools list will be
                fetched from the server on each call to `list_tools()`. The cache can be
                invalidated by calling `invalidate_tools_cache()`. You should set this to `True`
                if you know the server will not change its tools list, because it can drastically
                improve latency (by avoiding a round-trip to the server every time).
            name: A readable name for the server. If not provided, we'll create one from the

        self.params = StdioServerParameters(
            args=params.get("args", []),
            encoding=params.get("encoding", "utf-8"),
            encoding_error_handler=params.get("encoding_error_handler", "strict"),

        self._name = name or f"stdio: {self.params.command}"

    def create_streams(
    ) -> AbstractAsyncContextManager[
            MemoryObjectReceiveStream[JSONRPCMessage | Exception],
        """Create the streams for the server."""
        return stdio_client(self.params)

    def name(self) -> str:
        """A readable name for the server."""
        return self._name

name property

name: str

A readable name for the server.

connect async


Connect to the server.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
async def connect(self):
    """Connect to the server."""
        transport = await self.exit_stack.enter_async_context(self.create_streams())
        read, write = transport
        session = await self.exit_stack.enter_async_context(ClientSession(read, write))
        await session.initialize()
        self.session = session
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"Error initializing MCP server: {e}")
        await self.cleanup()

cleanup async


Cleanup the server.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
async def cleanup(self):
    """Cleanup the server."""
    async with self._cleanup_lock:
            await self.exit_stack.aclose()
            self.session = None
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error(f"Error cleaning up server: {e}")

list_tools async

list_tools() -> list[Tool]

List the tools available on the server.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
async def list_tools(self) -> list[MCPTool]:
    """List the tools available on the server."""
    if not self.session:
        raise UserError("Server not initialized. Make sure you call `connect()` first.")

    # Return from cache if caching is enabled, we have tools, and the cache is not dirty
    if self.cache_tools_list and not self._cache_dirty and self._tools_list:
        return self._tools_list

    # Reset the cache dirty to False
    self._cache_dirty = False

    # Fetch the tools from the server
    self._tools_list = (await self.session.list_tools()).tools
    return self._tools_list

call_tool async

    tool_name: str, arguments: dict[str, Any] | None
) -> CallToolResult

Invoke a tool on the server.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
async def call_tool(self, tool_name: str, arguments: dict[str, Any] | None) -> CallToolResult:
    """Invoke a tool on the server."""
    if not self.session:
        raise UserError("Server not initialized. Make sure you call `connect()` first.")

    return await self.session.call_tool(tool_name, arguments)



Invalidate the tools cache.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
def invalidate_tools_cache(self):
    """Invalidate the tools cache."""
    self._cache_dirty = True


    params: MCPServerStdioParams,
    cache_tools_list: bool = False,
    name: str | None = None,

Create a new MCP server based on the stdio transport.


Name Type Description Default
params MCPServerStdioParams

The params that configure the server. This includes the command to run to start the server, the args to pass to the command, the environment variables to set for the server, the working directory to use when spawning the process, and the text encoding used when sending/receiving messages to the server.

cache_tools_list bool

Whether to cache the tools list. If True, the tools list will be cached and only fetched from the server once. If False, the tools list will be fetched from the server on each call to list_tools(). The cache can be invalidated by calling invalidate_tools_cache(). You should set this to True if you know the server will not change its tools list, because it can drastically improve latency (by avoiding a round-trip to the server every time).

name str | None

A readable name for the server. If not provided, we'll create one from the command.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
def __init__(
    params: MCPServerStdioParams,
    cache_tools_list: bool = False,
    name: str | None = None,
    """Create a new MCP server based on the stdio transport.

        params: The params that configure the server. This includes the command to run to
            start the server, the args to pass to the command, the environment variables to
            set for the server, the working directory to use when spawning the process, and
            the text encoding used when sending/receiving messages to the server.
        cache_tools_list: Whether to cache the tools list. If `True`, the tools list will be
            cached and only fetched from the server once. If `False`, the tools list will be
            fetched from the server on each call to `list_tools()`. The cache can be
            invalidated by calling `invalidate_tools_cache()`. You should set this to `True`
            if you know the server will not change its tools list, because it can drastically
            improve latency (by avoiding a round-trip to the server every time).
        name: A readable name for the server. If not provided, we'll create one from the

    self.params = StdioServerParameters(
        args=params.get("args", []),
        encoding=params.get("encoding", "utf-8"),
        encoding_error_handler=params.get("encoding_error_handler", "strict"),

    self._name = name or f"stdio: {self.params.command}"


create_streams() -> AbstractAsyncContextManager[
            JSONRPCMessage | Exception

Create the streams for the server.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
def create_streams(
) -> AbstractAsyncContextManager[
        MemoryObjectReceiveStream[JSONRPCMessage | Exception],
    """Create the streams for the server."""
    return stdio_client(self.params)


Bases: TypedDict

Mirrors the params inmcp.client.sse.sse_client.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
class MCPServerSseParams(TypedDict):
    """Mirrors the params in`mcp.client.sse.sse_client`."""

    url: str
    """The URL of the server."""

    headers: NotRequired[dict[str, str]]
    """The headers to send to the server."""

    timeout: NotRequired[float]
    """The timeout for the HTTP request. Defaults to 5 seconds."""

    sse_read_timeout: NotRequired[float]
    """The timeout for the SSE connection, in seconds. Defaults to 5 minutes."""

url instance-attribute

url: str

The URL of the server.

headers instance-attribute

headers: NotRequired[dict[str, str]]

The headers to send to the server.

timeout instance-attribute

timeout: NotRequired[float]

The timeout for the HTTP request. Defaults to 5 seconds.

sse_read_timeout instance-attribute

sse_read_timeout: NotRequired[float]

The timeout for the SSE connection, in seconds. Defaults to 5 minutes.


Bases: _MCPServerWithClientSession

MCP server implementation that uses the HTTP with SSE transport. See the [spec] ( for details.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
class MCPServerSse(_MCPServerWithClientSession):
    """MCP server implementation that uses the HTTP with SSE transport. See the [spec]
    for details.

    def __init__(
        params: MCPServerSseParams,
        cache_tools_list: bool = False,
        name: str | None = None,
        """Create a new MCP server based on the HTTP with SSE transport.

            params: The params that configure the server. This includes the URL of the server,
                the headers to send to the server, the timeout for the HTTP request, and the
                timeout for the SSE connection.

            cache_tools_list: Whether to cache the tools list. If `True`, the tools list will be
                cached and only fetched from the server once. If `False`, the tools list will be
                fetched from the server on each call to `list_tools()`. The cache can be
                invalidated by calling `invalidate_tools_cache()`. You should set this to `True`
                if you know the server will not change its tools list, because it can drastically
                improve latency (by avoiding a round-trip to the server every time).

            name: A readable name for the server. If not provided, we'll create one from the

        self.params = params
        self._name = name or f"sse: {self.params['url']}"

    def create_streams(
    ) -> AbstractAsyncContextManager[
            MemoryObjectReceiveStream[JSONRPCMessage | Exception],
        """Create the streams for the server."""
        return sse_client(
            headers=self.params.get("headers", None),
            timeout=self.params.get("timeout", 5),
            sse_read_timeout=self.params.get("sse_read_timeout", 60 * 5),

    def name(self) -> str:
        """A readable name for the server."""
        return self._name

name property

name: str

A readable name for the server.

connect async


Connect to the server.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
async def connect(self):
    """Connect to the server."""
        transport = await self.exit_stack.enter_async_context(self.create_streams())
        read, write = transport
        session = await self.exit_stack.enter_async_context(ClientSession(read, write))
        await session.initialize()
        self.session = session
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"Error initializing MCP server: {e}")
        await self.cleanup()

cleanup async


Cleanup the server.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
async def cleanup(self):
    """Cleanup the server."""
    async with self._cleanup_lock:
            await self.exit_stack.aclose()
            self.session = None
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error(f"Error cleaning up server: {e}")

list_tools async

list_tools() -> list[Tool]

List the tools available on the server.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
async def list_tools(self) -> list[MCPTool]:
    """List the tools available on the server."""
    if not self.session:
        raise UserError("Server not initialized. Make sure you call `connect()` first.")

    # Return from cache if caching is enabled, we have tools, and the cache is not dirty
    if self.cache_tools_list and not self._cache_dirty and self._tools_list:
        return self._tools_list

    # Reset the cache dirty to False
    self._cache_dirty = False

    # Fetch the tools from the server
    self._tools_list = (await self.session.list_tools()).tools
    return self._tools_list

call_tool async

    tool_name: str, arguments: dict[str, Any] | None
) -> CallToolResult

Invoke a tool on the server.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
async def call_tool(self, tool_name: str, arguments: dict[str, Any] | None) -> CallToolResult:
    """Invoke a tool on the server."""
    if not self.session:
        raise UserError("Server not initialized. Make sure you call `connect()` first.")

    return await self.session.call_tool(tool_name, arguments)



Invalidate the tools cache.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
def invalidate_tools_cache(self):
    """Invalidate the tools cache."""
    self._cache_dirty = True


    params: MCPServerSseParams,
    cache_tools_list: bool = False,
    name: str | None = None,

Create a new MCP server based on the HTTP with SSE transport.


Name Type Description Default
params MCPServerSseParams

The params that configure the server. This includes the URL of the server, the headers to send to the server, the timeout for the HTTP request, and the timeout for the SSE connection.

cache_tools_list bool

Whether to cache the tools list. If True, the tools list will be cached and only fetched from the server once. If False, the tools list will be fetched from the server on each call to list_tools(). The cache can be invalidated by calling invalidate_tools_cache(). You should set this to True if you know the server will not change its tools list, because it can drastically improve latency (by avoiding a round-trip to the server every time).

name str | None

A readable name for the server. If not provided, we'll create one from the URL.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
def __init__(
    params: MCPServerSseParams,
    cache_tools_list: bool = False,
    name: str | None = None,
    """Create a new MCP server based on the HTTP with SSE transport.

        params: The params that configure the server. This includes the URL of the server,
            the headers to send to the server, the timeout for the HTTP request, and the
            timeout for the SSE connection.

        cache_tools_list: Whether to cache the tools list. If `True`, the tools list will be
            cached and only fetched from the server once. If `False`, the tools list will be
            fetched from the server on each call to `list_tools()`. The cache can be
            invalidated by calling `invalidate_tools_cache()`. You should set this to `True`
            if you know the server will not change its tools list, because it can drastically
            improve latency (by avoiding a round-trip to the server every time).

        name: A readable name for the server. If not provided, we'll create one from the

    self.params = params
    self._name = name or f"sse: {self.params['url']}"


create_streams() -> AbstractAsyncContextManager[
            JSONRPCMessage | Exception

Create the streams for the server.

Source code in src/agents/mcp/
def create_streams(
) -> AbstractAsyncContextManager[
        MemoryObjectReceiveStream[JSONRPCMessage | Exception],
    """Create the streams for the server."""
    return sse_client(
        headers=self.params.get("headers", None),
        timeout=self.params.get("timeout", 5),
        sse_read_timeout=self.params.get("sse_read_timeout", 60 * 5),