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Function schema

FuncSchema dataclass

Captures the schema for a python function, in preparation for sending it to an LLM as a tool.

Source code in src/agents/
class FuncSchema:
    Captures the schema for a python function, in preparation for sending it to an LLM as a tool.

    name: str
    """The name of the function."""
    description: str | None
    """The description of the function."""
    params_pydantic_model: type[BaseModel]
    """A Pydantic model that represents the function's parameters."""
    params_json_schema: dict[str, Any]
    """The JSON schema for the function's parameters, derived from the Pydantic model."""
    signature: inspect.Signature
    """The signature of the function."""
    takes_context: bool = False
    """Whether the function takes a RunContextWrapper argument (must be the first argument)."""

    def to_call_args(self, data: BaseModel) -> tuple[list[Any], dict[str, Any]]:
        Converts validated data from the Pydantic model into (args, kwargs), suitable for calling
        the original function.
        positional_args: list[Any] = []
        keyword_args: dict[str, Any] = {}
        seen_var_positional = False

        # Use enumerate() so we can skip the first parameter if it's context.
        for idx, (name, param) in enumerate(self.signature.parameters.items()):
            # If the function takes a RunContextWrapper and this is the first parameter, skip it.
            if self.takes_context and idx == 0:

            value = getattr(data, name, None)
            if param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL:
                # e.g. *args: extend positional args and mark that *args is now seen
                positional_args.extend(value or [])
                seen_var_positional = True
            elif param.kind == param.VAR_KEYWORD:
                # e.g. **kwargs handling
                keyword_args.update(value or {})
            elif param.kind in (param.POSITIONAL_ONLY, param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD):
                # Before *args, add to positional args. After *args, add to keyword args.
                if not seen_var_positional:
                    keyword_args[name] = value
                # For KEYWORD_ONLY parameters, always use keyword args.
                keyword_args[name] = value
        return positional_args, keyword_args

name instance-attribute

name: str

The name of the function.

description instance-attribute

description: str | None

The description of the function.

params_pydantic_model instance-attribute

params_pydantic_model: type[BaseModel]

A Pydantic model that represents the function's parameters.

params_json_schema instance-attribute

params_json_schema: dict[str, Any]

The JSON schema for the function's parameters, derived from the Pydantic model.

signature instance-attribute

signature: Signature

The signature of the function.

takes_context class-attribute instance-attribute

takes_context: bool = False

Whether the function takes a RunContextWrapper argument (must be the first argument).


    data: BaseModel,
) -> tuple[list[Any], dict[str, Any]]

Converts validated data from the Pydantic model into (args, kwargs), suitable for calling the original function.

Source code in src/agents/
def to_call_args(self, data: BaseModel) -> tuple[list[Any], dict[str, Any]]:
    Converts validated data from the Pydantic model into (args, kwargs), suitable for calling
    the original function.
    positional_args: list[Any] = []
    keyword_args: dict[str, Any] = {}
    seen_var_positional = False

    # Use enumerate() so we can skip the first parameter if it's context.
    for idx, (name, param) in enumerate(self.signature.parameters.items()):
        # If the function takes a RunContextWrapper and this is the first parameter, skip it.
        if self.takes_context and idx == 0:

        value = getattr(data, name, None)
        if param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL:
            # e.g. *args: extend positional args and mark that *args is now seen
            positional_args.extend(value or [])
            seen_var_positional = True
        elif param.kind == param.VAR_KEYWORD:
            # e.g. **kwargs handling
            keyword_args.update(value or {})
        elif param.kind in (param.POSITIONAL_ONLY, param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD):
            # Before *args, add to positional args. After *args, add to keyword args.
            if not seen_var_positional:
                keyword_args[name] = value
            # For KEYWORD_ONLY parameters, always use keyword args.
            keyword_args[name] = value
    return positional_args, keyword_args

FuncDocumentation dataclass

Contains metadata about a python function, extracted from its docstring.

Source code in src/agents/
class FuncDocumentation:
    """Contains metadata about a python function, extracted from its docstring."""

    name: str
    """The name of the function, via `__name__`."""
    description: str | None
    """The description of the function, derived from the docstring."""
    param_descriptions: dict[str, str] | None
    """The parameter descriptions of the function, derived from the docstring."""

name instance-attribute

name: str

The name of the function, via __name__.

description instance-attribute

description: str | None

The description of the function, derived from the docstring.

param_descriptions instance-attribute

param_descriptions: dict[str, str] | None

The parameter descriptions of the function, derived from the docstring.


    func: Callable[..., Any],
    style: DocstringStyle | None = None,
) -> FuncDocumentation

Extracts metadata from a function docstring, in preparation for sending it to an LLM as a tool.


Name Type Description Default
func Callable[..., Any]

The function to extract documentation from.

style DocstringStyle | None

The style of the docstring to use for parsing. If not provided, we will attempt to auto-detect the style.



Type Description

A FuncDocumentation object containing the function's name, description, and parameter



Source code in src/agents/
def generate_func_documentation(
    func: Callable[..., Any], style: DocstringStyle | None = None
) -> FuncDocumentation:
    Extracts metadata from a function docstring, in preparation for sending it to an LLM as a tool.

        func: The function to extract documentation from.
        style: The style of the docstring to use for parsing. If not provided, we will attempt to
            auto-detect the style.

        A FuncDocumentation object containing the function's name, description, and parameter
    name = func.__name__
    doc = inspect.getdoc(func)
    if not doc:
        return FuncDocumentation(name=name, description=None, param_descriptions=None)

    with _suppress_griffe_logging():
        docstring = Docstring(doc, lineno=1, parser=style or _detect_docstring_style(doc))
        parsed = docstring.parse()

    description: str | None = next(
        (section.value for section in parsed if section.kind == DocstringSectionKind.text), None

    param_descriptions: dict[str, str] = { param.description
        for section in parsed
        if section.kind == DocstringSectionKind.parameters
        for param in section.value

    return FuncDocumentation(
        param_descriptions=param_descriptions or None,


    func: Callable[..., Any],
    docstring_style: DocstringStyle | None = None,
    name_override: str | None = None,
    description_override: str | None = None,
    use_docstring_info: bool = True,
    strict_json_schema: bool = True,
) -> FuncSchema

Given a python function, extracts a FuncSchema from it, capturing the name, description, parameter descriptions, and other metadata.


Name Type Description Default
func Callable[..., Any]

The function to extract the schema from.

docstring_style DocstringStyle | None

The style of the docstring to use for parsing. If not provided, we will attempt to auto-detect the style.

name_override str | None

If provided, use this name instead of the function's __name__.

description_override str | None

If provided, use this description instead of the one derived from the docstring.

use_docstring_info bool

If True, uses the docstring to generate the description and parameter descriptions.

strict_json_schema bool

Whether the JSON schema is in strict mode. If True, we'll ensure that the schema adheres to the "strict" standard the OpenAI API expects. We strongly recommend setting this to True, as it increases the likelihood of the LLM providing correct JSON input.



Type Description

A FuncSchema object containing the function's name, description, parameter descriptions,


and other metadata.

Source code in src/agents/
def function_schema(
    func: Callable[..., Any],
    docstring_style: DocstringStyle | None = None,
    name_override: str | None = None,
    description_override: str | None = None,
    use_docstring_info: bool = True,
    strict_json_schema: bool = True,
) -> FuncSchema:
    Given a python function, extracts a `FuncSchema` from it, capturing the name, description,
    parameter descriptions, and other metadata.

        func: The function to extract the schema from.
        docstring_style: The style of the docstring to use for parsing. If not provided, we will
            attempt to auto-detect the style.
        name_override: If provided, use this name instead of the function's `__name__`.
        description_override: If provided, use this description instead of the one derived from the
        use_docstring_info: If True, uses the docstring to generate the description and parameter
        strict_json_schema: Whether the JSON schema is in strict mode. If True, we'll ensure that
            the schema adheres to the "strict" standard the OpenAI API expects. We **strongly**
            recommend setting this to True, as it increases the likelihood of the LLM providing
            correct JSON input.

        A `FuncSchema` object containing the function's name, description, parameter descriptions,
        and other metadata.

    # 1. Grab docstring info
    if use_docstring_info:
        doc_info = generate_func_documentation(func, docstring_style)
        param_descs = doc_info.param_descriptions or {}
        doc_info = None
        param_descs = {}

    func_name = name_override or if doc_info else func.__name__

    # 2. Inspect function signature and get type hints
    sig = inspect.signature(func)
    type_hints = get_type_hints(func)
    params = list(sig.parameters.items())
    takes_context = False
    filtered_params = []

    if params:
        first_name, first_param = params[0]
        # Prefer the evaluated type hint if available
        ann = type_hints.get(first_name, first_param.annotation)
        if ann != inspect._empty:
            origin = get_origin(ann) or ann
            if origin is RunContextWrapper:
                takes_context = True  # Mark that the function takes context
                filtered_params.append((first_name, first_param))
            filtered_params.append((first_name, first_param))

    # For parameters other than the first, raise error if any use RunContextWrapper.
    for name, param in params[1:]:
        ann = type_hints.get(name, param.annotation)
        if ann != inspect._empty:
            origin = get_origin(ann) or ann
            if origin is RunContextWrapper:
                raise UserError(
                    f"RunContextWrapper param found at non-first position in function"
                    f" {func.__name__}"
        filtered_params.append((name, param))

    # We will collect field definitions for create_model as a dict:
    #   field_name -> (type_annotation, default_value_or_Field(...))
    fields: dict[str, Any] = {}

    for name, param in filtered_params:
        ann = type_hints.get(name, param.annotation)
        default = param.default

        # If there's no type hint, assume `Any`
        if ann == inspect._empty:
            ann = Any

        # If a docstring param description exists, use it
        field_description = param_descs.get(name, None)

        # Handle different parameter kinds
        if param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL:
            # e.g. *args: extend positional args
            if get_origin(ann) is tuple:
                # e.g. def foo(*args: tuple[int, ...]) -> treat as List[int]
                args_of_tuple = get_args(ann)
                if len(args_of_tuple) == 2 and args_of_tuple[1] is Ellipsis:
                    ann = list[args_of_tuple[0]]  # type: ignore
                    ann = list[Any]
                # If user wrote *args: int, treat as List[int]
                ann = list[ann]  # type: ignore

            # Default factory to empty list
            fields[name] = (
                Field(default_factory=list, description=field_description),  # type: ignore

        elif param.kind == param.VAR_KEYWORD:
            # **kwargs handling
            if get_origin(ann) is dict:
                # e.g. def foo(**kwargs: dict[str, int])
                dict_args = get_args(ann)
                if len(dict_args) == 2:
                    ann = dict[dict_args[0], dict_args[1]]  # type: ignore
                    ann = dict[str, Any]
                # e.g. def foo(**kwargs: int) -> Dict[str, int]
                ann = dict[str, ann]  # type: ignore

            fields[name] = (
                Field(default_factory=dict, description=field_description),  # type: ignore

            # Normal parameter
            if default == inspect._empty:
                # Required field
                fields[name] = (
                    Field(..., description=field_description),
                # Parameter with a default value
                fields[name] = (
                    Field(default=default, description=field_description),

    # 3. Dynamically build a Pydantic model
    dynamic_model = create_model(f"{func_name}_args", __base__=BaseModel, **fields)

    # 4. Build JSON schema from that model
    json_schema = dynamic_model.model_json_schema()
    if strict_json_schema:
        json_schema = ensure_strict_json_schema(json_schema)

    # 5. Return as a FuncSchema dataclass
    return FuncSchema(
        description=description_override or doc_info.description if doc_info else None,