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Agent dataclass

Bases: Generic[TContext]

An agent is an AI model configured with instructions, tools, guardrails, handoffs and more.

We strongly recommend passing instructions, which is the "system prompt" for the agent. In addition, you can pass description, which is a human-readable description of the agent, used when the agent is used inside tools/handoffs.

Agents are generic on the context type. The context is a (mutable) object you create. It is passed to tool functions, handoffs, guardrails, etc.

Source code in src/agents/
class Agent(Generic[TContext]):
    """An agent is an AI model configured with instructions, tools, guardrails, handoffs and more.

    We strongly recommend passing `instructions`, which is the "system prompt" for the agent. In
    addition, you can pass `description`, which is a human-readable description of the agent, used
    when the agent is used inside tools/handoffs.

    Agents are generic on the context type. The context is a (mutable) object you create. It is
    passed to tool functions, handoffs, guardrails, etc.

    name: str
    """The name of the agent."""

    instructions: (
        | Callable[
            [RunContextWrapper[TContext], Agent[TContext]],
        | None
    ) = None
    """The instructions for the agent. Will be used as the "system prompt" when this agent is
    invoked. Describes what the agent should do, and how it responds.

    Can either be a string, or a function that dynamically generates instructions for the agent. If
    you provide a function, it will be called with the context and the agent instance. It must
    return a string.

    handoff_description: str | None = None
    """A description of the agent. This is used when the agent is used as a handoff, so that an
    LLM knows what it does and when to invoke it.

    handoffs: list[Agent[Any] | Handoff[TContext]] = field(default_factory=list)
    """Handoffs are sub-agents that the agent can delegate to. You can provide a list of handoffs,
    and the agent can choose to delegate to them if relevant. Allows for separation of concerns and

    model: str | Model | None = None
    """The model implementation to use when invoking the LLM.

    By default, if not set, the agent will use the default model configured in

    model_settings: ModelSettings = field(default_factory=ModelSettings)
    """Configures model-specific tuning parameters (e.g. temperature, top_p).

    tools: list[Tool] = field(default_factory=list)
    """A list of tools that the agent can use."""

    input_guardrails: list[InputGuardrail[TContext]] = field(default_factory=list)
    """A list of checks that run in parallel to the agent's execution, before generating a
    response. Runs only if the agent is the first agent in the chain.

    output_guardrails: list[OutputGuardrail[TContext]] = field(default_factory=list)
    """A list of checks that run on the final output of the agent, after generating a response.
    Runs only if the agent produces a final output.

    output_type: type[Any] | None = None
    """The type of the output object. If not provided, the output will be `str`."""

    hooks: AgentHooks[TContext] | None = None
    """A class that receives callbacks on various lifecycle events for this agent.

    def clone(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Agent[TContext]:
        """Make a copy of the agent, with the given arguments changed. For example, you could do:
        new_agent = agent.clone(instructions="New instructions")
        return dataclasses.replace(self, **kwargs)

    def as_tool(
        tool_name: str | None,
        tool_description: str | None,
        custom_output_extractor: Callable[[RunResult], Awaitable[str]] | None = None,
    ) -> Tool:
        """Transform this agent into a tool, callable by other agents.

        This is different from handoffs in two ways:
        1. In handoffs, the new agent receives the conversation history. In this tool, the new agent
           receives generated input.
        2. In handoffs, the new agent takes over the conversation. In this tool, the new agent is
           called as a tool, and the conversation is continued by the original agent.

            tool_name: The name of the tool. If not provided, the agent's name will be used.
            tool_description: The description of the tool, which should indicate what it does and
                when to use it.
            custom_output_extractor: A function that extracts the output from the agent. If not
                provided, the last message from the agent will be used.

            name_override=tool_name or _utils.transform_string_function_style(,
            description_override=tool_description or "",
        async def run_agent(context: RunContextWrapper, input: str) -> str:
            from .run import Runner

            output = await
            if custom_output_extractor:
                return await custom_output_extractor(output)

            return ItemHelpers.text_message_outputs(output.new_items)

        return run_agent

    async def get_system_prompt(self, run_context: RunContextWrapper[TContext]) -> str | None:
        """Get the system prompt for the agent."""
        if isinstance(self.instructions, str):
            return self.instructions
        elif callable(self.instructions):
            if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(self.instructions):
                return await cast(Awaitable[str], self.instructions(run_context, self))
                return cast(str, self.instructions(run_context, self))
        elif self.instructions is not None:
            logger.error(f"Instructions must be a string or a function, got {self.instructions}")

        return None

name instance-attribute

name: str

The name of the agent.

instructions class-attribute instance-attribute

instructions: (
    | Callable[
        [RunContextWrapper[TContext], Agent[TContext]],
    | None
) = None

The instructions for the agent. Will be used as the "system prompt" when this agent is invoked. Describes what the agent should do, and how it responds.

Can either be a string, or a function that dynamically generates instructions for the agent. If you provide a function, it will be called with the context and the agent instance. It must return a string.

handoff_description class-attribute instance-attribute

handoff_description: str | None = None

A description of the agent. This is used when the agent is used as a handoff, so that an LLM knows what it does and when to invoke it.

handoffs class-attribute instance-attribute

handoffs: list[Agent[Any] | Handoff[TContext]] = field(

Handoffs are sub-agents that the agent can delegate to. You can provide a list of handoffs, and the agent can choose to delegate to them if relevant. Allows for separation of concerns and modularity.

model class-attribute instance-attribute

model: str | Model | None = None

The model implementation to use when invoking the LLM.

By default, if not set, the agent will use the default model configured in model_settings.DEFAULT_MODEL.

model_settings class-attribute instance-attribute

model_settings: ModelSettings = field(

Configures model-specific tuning parameters (e.g. temperature, top_p).

tools class-attribute instance-attribute

tools: list[Tool] = field(default_factory=list)

A list of tools that the agent can use.

input_guardrails class-attribute instance-attribute

input_guardrails: list[InputGuardrail[TContext]] = field(

A list of checks that run in parallel to the agent's execution, before generating a response. Runs only if the agent is the first agent in the chain.

output_guardrails class-attribute instance-attribute

output_guardrails: list[OutputGuardrail[TContext]] = field(

A list of checks that run on the final output of the agent, after generating a response. Runs only if the agent produces a final output.

output_type class-attribute instance-attribute

output_type: type[Any] | None = None

The type of the output object. If not provided, the output will be str.

hooks class-attribute instance-attribute

hooks: AgentHooks[TContext] | None = None

A class that receives callbacks on various lifecycle events for this agent.


clone(**kwargs: Any) -> Agent[TContext]

Make a copy of the agent, with the given arguments changed. For example, you could do:

new_agent = agent.clone(instructions="New instructions")

Source code in src/agents/
def clone(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Agent[TContext]:
    """Make a copy of the agent, with the given arguments changed. For example, you could do:
    new_agent = agent.clone(instructions="New instructions")
    return dataclasses.replace(self, **kwargs)


    tool_name: str | None,
    tool_description: str | None,
    custom_output_extractor: Callable[
        [RunResult], Awaitable[str]
    | None = None,
) -> Tool

Transform this agent into a tool, callable by other agents.

This is different from handoffs in two ways: 1. In handoffs, the new agent receives the conversation history. In this tool, the new agent receives generated input. 2. In handoffs, the new agent takes over the conversation. In this tool, the new agent is called as a tool, and the conversation is continued by the original agent.


Name Type Description Default
tool_name str | None

The name of the tool. If not provided, the agent's name will be used.

tool_description str | None

The description of the tool, which should indicate what it does and when to use it.

custom_output_extractor Callable[[RunResult], Awaitable[str]] | None

A function that extracts the output from the agent. If not provided, the last message from the agent will be used.

Source code in src/agents/
def as_tool(
    tool_name: str | None,
    tool_description: str | None,
    custom_output_extractor: Callable[[RunResult], Awaitable[str]] | None = None,
) -> Tool:
    """Transform this agent into a tool, callable by other agents.

    This is different from handoffs in two ways:
    1. In handoffs, the new agent receives the conversation history. In this tool, the new agent
       receives generated input.
    2. In handoffs, the new agent takes over the conversation. In this tool, the new agent is
       called as a tool, and the conversation is continued by the original agent.

        tool_name: The name of the tool. If not provided, the agent's name will be used.
        tool_description: The description of the tool, which should indicate what it does and
            when to use it.
        custom_output_extractor: A function that extracts the output from the agent. If not
            provided, the last message from the agent will be used.

        name_override=tool_name or _utils.transform_string_function_style(,
        description_override=tool_description or "",
    async def run_agent(context: RunContextWrapper, input: str) -> str:
        from .run import Runner

        output = await
        if custom_output_extractor:
            return await custom_output_extractor(output)

        return ItemHelpers.text_message_outputs(output.new_items)

    return run_agent

get_system_prompt async

    run_context: RunContextWrapper[TContext],
) -> str | None

Get the system prompt for the agent.

Source code in src/agents/
async def get_system_prompt(self, run_context: RunContextWrapper[TContext]) -> str | None:
    """Get the system prompt for the agent."""
    if isinstance(self.instructions, str):
        return self.instructions
    elif callable(self.instructions):
        if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(self.instructions):
            return await cast(Awaitable[str], self.instructions(run_context, self))
            return cast(str, self.instructions(run_context, self))
    elif self.instructions is not None:
        logger.error(f"Instructions must be a string or a function, got {self.instructions}")

    return None